Clicks to Bricks: Increased Conversions Power Foxt

CX Optimisation
Real Estate

A better experience for:

Steve Rodgers

Marketing Director

“Put simply, LeanConvert has the capability to plug a knowledge or resource gap in a wide range of business areas”


Foxtons (FTSE 250) is London’s leading estate agenct. They wanted to improve the quality and quantity of conversions coming from their online valuation form, and deliver an accurate online valuation quote for prospects who completed the form. However, they lacked the internal resources to do the work themselves.



Increase in completed valuations


Reduction in invalid details entered during the valuation process

What happened next?

We designed, delivered, and executed multiple variants of the valuation form, iterating to find the most impactful version. This culminated in statistically robust, high-impact result.

Working alongside Foxtons’ development team, LeanConvert was able to rapidly build and iterate a new online valuation plugin. Integrating this 3rd party API into the valuation funnel gave the Foxtons’ customers an instant and bespoke valuation. This significantly increased the volume of leads Foxtons could acquire from their valuation form, powering their outbound sales team’s lead pipeline.

Contrary to some initial hesitations, providing detailed online valuations did not have a negative impact on demand for in-person services. Rather testing proved that it drew users deeper into the process and encouraged the serious sellers to move onto the next stage and request a face-to-face valuation.

Better together

Working with LeanConvert has helped us to achieve a significant uplift in both conversion and ROI, and we’ve undoubtedly benefited from their clear strategy, insight and experience. But, perhaps more significantly, their ability to be an extension of our in-house marketing department and to champion a culture of experimentation across our business has been invaluable. This has been pivotal in transforming the way Foxtons operates.

Steve Rodgers

Marketing Director

Better together

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