
Constantly test and learn on the road to better experiences.

What are our
experimentation services?

Experimentation is a cornerstone of strategic digital optimisation and involves systematically testing and refining various elements of your digital assets to enhance performance and customer experience. This process allows you to make data-driven decisions whilst simultaneously enhancing the customer experience.

In today’s fast-moving landscape agility is the key to success and only by fostering a culture of experimentation can you continually adapt, innovate, and seize new opportunities in an ever-evolving market.

Key experimentation
components include:

Hypothesis Development:

Formulating clear and testable hypotheses that articulate the expected outcomes of the experiment.


A/B Testing:

Conducting A/B tests or split tests to compare different versions of a variable and measure their impact on specific metrics.


Variable Selection:

Identifying the specific elements or variables to be tested, such as website features, content, design, or customer interactions.


Randomised Assignment:

Randomly assigning participants or customers to different experimental groups to ensure unbiased and statistically valid results.


Data Collection and Analysis:

Collecting relevant data during the experiment and employing statistical analysis to interpret results and determine their significance.


Iterative Testing:

Implementing a cycle of continuous testing and refinement based on insights gained from previous experiments.


Implementation of Findings:

Applying successful changes identified through experimentation to the live environment to optimise processes or customer experiences.


Statistical Significance:

Determining whether observed results are statistically significant, ensuring reliability and relevance to guide decision-making.


Learning from Losing Tests:

Embracing unsuccessful outcomes as valuable learning opportunities, extracting insights from losing experiments to inform future strategies and refine hypotheses.


Cross-Functional Collaboration:

Encouraging collaboration across different teams, such as marketing, design, and development, to bring diverse perspectives to the experimentation process.


Leadership Support:

Securing support from organisational leadership to foster a culture that values experimentation and innovation.


Transparent Communication:

Promoting open communication about experimentation goals, methodologies, and results to facilitate organisational learning.


Risk Tolerance:

Cultivating a mindset that embraces calculated risks and views experimentation outcomes, whether positive or negative, as valuable learning opportunities.


Continuous Learning:

Creating a culture that values ongoing learning, allowing teams to adapt strategies based on evolving insights and market dynamics.


Why it matters to you


Experimentation increases customer retention by 33%


Customer engagement rate rise by 17% as a result of experimentation


Companies that experiment report 28% higher revenue than those that don’t

Better together

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